Design, engineering and technology

KS1 Design and Technology Plan Construction / Structures - Beam Bridges
KS1 Design and Technology Plan
Construction / Structures - Beam Bridges
LO - Design and build a beam bridge that can hold a toy car.

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Food and Nutrition Healthy Wrap
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Food and Nutrition
LO- Design and make a healthy wrap

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Textiles Sewing Bookmarks
KSI Design and Technology Planning
Textites - Sewing
LO - Design and make a cross stitch bookmark to use in their own reading book.

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Food and Nutrition Fruit Salad
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Food and Nutrition Fruit Salad
LO- Design and make a healthy fruit salad

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Food and Nutrition Smoothies
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Food and Nutrition
LO- Design and make a healthy smoothie

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Mechanisms Vehicles wheels and axels
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Mechanisms - wheels and axels
LO- Design and make a vehicle that can move on 4 wheels.

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Mechanisms Levers
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Mechanisms - Levers
LO- Design and make a 2D dinosaur that can move with a lever and a pivot.

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Textiles Sewing Puppets
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Textiles - Sewing
LO - Design and make a felt winter animal hand puppet that you can use in the small world area.

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Textiles Sewing Hanging Decoration
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Textiles - Sewing
LO - Design and make a hanging felt decoration to give as a Mother’s Day gift.

KS1 Design and Technology Planning Mechanisms Sliders
KS1 Design and Technology Planning
Mechanisms - Sliders
LO- Design and make a Mother’s Day card with a moving part